Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Is anybody out there?

Decided to make a blog so I can attempt to reveal my very mysterious self with you, that is, if there is a you. So, why not start a blog on a really light deep note. I think one of the largest struggles I make (along with many others I would imagine) is to try and change the whole world. Yesterday, on a lovely drive towards St. Paul to the Grand Old Day, we passed a billboard. What? A billboard, no way you say, yes a billboard, really exciting huh? ok ok so for real, we passed a billboard with one of those digital counters on it that keeps track of the current jackpot if you play the lottery. It said something that made me think for a while, it said something like, 46 billion ways to thank your parents. In case you aren't catching on right away, it's a little marketing tug at your heart to play the lottery and if you win which you totally could never will you could buy your parents a new house, car, etc. etc. as an expression of gratitude for all of the $&#@ you put them through during your younger years (I'm sure you were a blessing too in there somewhere). Naturally, my mind started to drift and dream of all of the things I would do with the money if I should win it, pay off everyone's mortgage that I can think of, give lots of money to pregnancy crisis centers, get a minivan (3 carseats in the back of a sedan is a little tight) and on and on I dreamed. But my thoughts were soon enough brought back to reality, one where I don't actually win the lottery and my husband is still looking for a full time job and we hope we don't foreclose on our house. God reminded me that he could definitely give me lots of money and I could do all those things that would be wonderful but instead he will allow me to realize how important small gestures of love are and how they are just as big to him. I thought about how if my daughters (when they're a little older) could clean the whole house for me, how wonderful that would be! How equally wonderful, however, it would be if one of my wee girls said to her sister, "You can have this dolly I'm playing with because I know you really like it." I love when my girls make the choice to be kind in just small ways. I will strive to remember what a wise woman once said.
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." ~Mother Theresa

So if anybody's out there, your small gestures will save the world.


  1. Awesome post! So true, the small gestures do save the world. They also make you one of The most valuable friends to those close to you!

  2. Great post Andrea. Nice to see your mysterious self in words! :-)

    A small gesture of love right now would be those crazy cream potatoes you make so well! We love you guys!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I have to remind myself too that the small gestures do have a great impact. Nice to hear your side of things... keep writing! :)

  5. I love this post!! You are a treasured friend, because you are so real. blogging breaks up the days at home very nicely! :D

